Monday 1 June 2015

Chris Attoh & Wife Share Bedroom PHOTOS


It is a no longer news that the era of the digital age came about as a result of collaborative partnerships, leaving the mythology of the lone genius in the archives of history.

Even the holy books put it clearly that one will chase a thousand but two will set ten thousand to flight, further driving home the idiomatic expression that two heads are no doubt better than one. It is in this light that we themed our latest issue the ‘Power of Two’ Featuring on the cover and inside pages, couples who have found love in life and in their art and are making a wonderful living from it.

Damilola and Chris Attoh are one of Africa’s most loved celebrity couples and in this issue, they give us an insight into their rhapsodic affair. Though their relationship is constantly in the glare of the public, it is as realistic and natural as those of everyday people: multiple break-ups, laughter, tears and all.

We also talked to the New York based photography duo Ada and Manre Ebhomielen about finding love in life and work; featuring a special beauty editorial titled ‘Vibrant Dust’. According to them – working together and clashing ideas make the job more exciting than usual.

This issue is packed full with interviews with some exciting talents from the Comedian Eddie Kadi to Fashion Entreprenuer Nnenna Stella to the very stylish male Blogger Igee Okafor. The fabulous fashion and beauty editorials will leave you wanting more and the rave fashion reviews will totally bring your trend knowledge up to doped.

interesting excerpt from the interview

Question: Knowing that you guys are role models to a lot of young people, how did you manage with the back lash of having a baby before marriage?


We love our fans and supporters, without whom we won’t be called celebrities. But here’s the truth; our work is our work and our personal lives are ours to deal with, hopefully none of the people who love our work are completely emulating our lives, so I’m hoping that they can accept and respect what our choices and decisions are. Without letting that get in the way of how much they appreciate our work. The truth is I have my personal life to live. My partner and I have made decisions based on how we deem fit and I will totally take having a baby out of wedlock than having an abortion. The baby came at the best time he was meant to come. We love each other and already had plans of being together so why not. Thankfully our families and those who their opinions really mattered were ok with our decisions. I recall in a recent article, where the same question was thrown at the musician Brymo and he said that – children were a product of love and not marriage and I completely agree. I’m not one to live my life based on other people’s standards. Fortunately for me, I didn’t get a lot of heat from people, in fact most people who knew about us were very happy about everything. The people who knew the journey that we passed through called it a miracle that we could come this far. I remember when I told Chris I was pregnant, he laughed uncontrollably… I was shocked. He was so happy and that was all that mattered to me at the time. My family is doing great and I hope that everyone can respect that. Like the saying goes- whoever wears the shoe, knows where the shoe pinches (laughing). Bryan is a miracle and was given to us for a reason we both know. He came at the time we didn’t expect but it was such a beautiful timing. I wouldn’t trade that feeling for a million fans. Some people have asked me if having a child obligated Chris to marry me and here’s my answer, there are a lot of baby mamas out there who their baby daddies didn’t marry, so having a kid for a guy doesn’t guarantee anything. To us, Bryan sealed the deal for us- his coming made us know that God was leading us to the path we had always wanted and it would have been foolish for us not to jump on it. And Bryan brought a lot of change, redirection, focus, organisation and unity.

