Sunday 23 August 2015

Ghanaian Boy Sets Up His Girlfriend’s Friend Who Wanted To Sleep With Him – Video



Whilst young people around the world are doing their best to change the world in their own simple ways. This is what young Ghanaians are doing with their time.

According to this video [has over 180,000 views on Facebook] which has been trending on social media since yesterday, a young man named Marshall got himself in the midst of a girl fight.
Marshall set up his girlfriend’s friend named Sharon when he sensed that Sharon wanted to sleep with him.

Marshall then lured Sharon to his room, got her naked and called in his girlfriend and her female friends to embarrass Sharon.
Who was wrong here? Was Marshall right? Were Marshall’s girlfriend and her friends right for doing what they did to the Sharon? Let us know by comments after watching the video below.
PS: There is sexual content and viewer discretion is strongly advised.

Click for video

