Sunday 16 August 2015

Ladies: 6 Uncomfortable Questions You Should Never Ask A Guy You Intend To Be With



Women are, admittedly, quite the inquisitive bunch.

They always want to know things, especially if it’s about the guy they’re dating. Whether it’s by snooping, by spying or by outright asking, they always seem to find a way to learn what they want to know.
The problem with this though, is that sometimes they ask some questions that are better off not being asked.
Due to their insistence on knowing anything and everything, they may sometimes put a man off. There are a couple of questions that they ask innocently enough, but from a man’s point of view, they’re quite uncomfortable to answer.
If you’re the type of woman who refuses to give up without getting an answer from your guy, then this trait of yours can easily irk him. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of awkward questions that some women love to ask, but may be uncomfortable for men to answer.


#1 How big is it?

You know what we’re talking about. If you don’t know how big it is, then we assume you haven’t seen it. So why would you ask a guy how big his package is if you’re not even intimate yet? Is this some sort of qualifying question? If he answers with anything less than seven inches, would you dump him? Really, don’t ask. Just find out when you’re at that stage in your relationship.

#2 How many women have you slept with?

The problem with this question is that you may not always get an honest answer. A guy may give you a number based on two things. One, he doesn’t want to give too big a number for fear that you’ll think he’s some sort of womanizer. And two, he wouldn’t want to give too small a number for fear that you’ll start to wonder why he wasn’t able to sleep with more women.

#3 Do you always have women over at your place?

Not only does this sound accusing, but again, it’s hard to be honest with this question. If you ask a guy this question, he’ll start to wonder why you asked. Is it because his place is so testosterone-filled? Is it because it looks like the kind of pad a womanizing bachelor would keep? Even if you’re just asking it innocently, it might already trigger alarm bells in your guy’s mind.

#4 What are you thinking?

This is a pet peeve among many guys, especially when it’s asked right after sex. What do you want him to say? He just had sex with you, sure, but his mind is bound to wander away to other non-you related things.
He might have to make something up off the bat just so you won’t get disappointed when he says anything less than how much he loves you or how good that session was!

#5 Anything about his masturbatory habits.

Let’s face it, guys jack off. Even if they have a girlfriend, they may sometimes feel the need to adjust the antenna for their own satisfaction. With that said, they’re not always too proud of this for fear that you might think your sexual prowess isn’t enough. Asking about it is just going to make him uncomfortable!

#6 Have you ever been attracted to another guy?

It’s okay if your guy is attracted to the male form. That doesn’t make him any less decent. But the thing is, if he wanted to talk about it, it should be at his own volition and not because you asked.

