Saturday 27 February 2016

7 Reasons Why Ghana needs movies for adults only.


Movies for adults only

If you ask us, we’d tell you yes, Ghana’s movie industry needs an injection of more movies for adults only.

Many may not like this idea for various reasons, and the main reason may be because of religious beliefs. Many will tell you it’s not Ghanaian-like, but when did something which has to do with sex have nothing to do with being Ghanaian?

Here are 7 good reasons why Ghana needs more movies for adults only.

  1. They’ll boost movie patronage – We all know sex sells, and for this reason, more people would opt to go get movies relating to this category.
  2. We need more movie genres – There’s too much comedy in the system. Too many horror movies as well. For our industry to be known as a great one it should be more diverse.
  3. People need sex education – Most Ghanaians are too scared to even mention this three letter word. Adolescent Reproductive Health is taught in schools so why should it be so? With more movies for adults in our system, couples will be able to learn the necessary skills to please their partners in bed, instead of going for unnecessary concoctions which could make them barren. I’ve seen some leaked sex tapes from Ghana, and trust me, they’re so boring. If this is what people do in their bedrooms, they’re missing a lot.
  4. We’re loosing money to foreign industries – While movies that are too explicit are being banned in this country, people still find ways of purchasing the foreign ones, so what’s the use of banning it? We’re only losing big cash, which could have been re-invested in other areas of the industry. All we need to do is make sure children can’t get their hands on these movies.
  5. We’re wasting talent – Believe it or not,but we’re wasting the presence of talented actors and actresses who can perfectly act movies from this genre, and gain massive income, since patronage is good.
  6. Adult movies don’t cause STDs – You dont obtain any sexually transmitted diseases by watching adult movies, so isn’t it better than going out for a prostitute or cheating on your wife or partner, when you can arouse yourself?
  7. They allow you to be more comfort with yourself-  Movies rated for adults only can help you discover what you are most attracted to, but also what you are uncomfortable with. If you ask us, watching such movies is a completely normal, safe part of any healthy sex life. 

