When a lady, who will be a mother tomorrow, decides to be living a
care-free lifestyle that will, in her thinking, make some irresponsible
men to use her pictures to mastur-bate and she is very proud to speak
about it openly, it sure tells you the level of morals such a lady
operates on.
No amount of enjoyment in this world is worth destroy your destiny for,
but some will not listen. In a recent chat, Nollywood actress Anita
Joseph brags about her raunchy photos. Her words:
“I just joined Instagram in April and I have been very active. I am aware that a picture I posted that showed my cleavage attracted a lot of attention. Some Nigerians are hypocrites and pretenders. A lot of them used that picture to masturbate and feel good..."
- If you think this is the best way to live, then keep enjoying yourself!