Wednesday 8 June 2016

New Music: GaisieBoy Swerving Blessed ft Sol' Africa


GaisieBoy Swerving Blessed ft Sol' Africa

His lyrical mastery has earned great experience in the rap game. His colleagues revealed how by doing multiple rap battles in high school, college, shows etc. won him a lot of accolades and puts him on spring board to make this hip pop game right in Ghana.

GaisieBoy in an exclusive interview with Chris of shared how being a rapper in Ghana and doing rap music in English generated a lot of criticism from close friends and relatives. "Many telling me to rap in my local dialect but I am targeting a global audience, how do I heed to such advice? So I made a decision not to listen to anyone and do what I am good at. I realised the effect of my decision in my lyrics, the way my punch lines kept flowing like a water fall" he added that " I will urge rappers especially upcoming ones to be themselves and trust that it will surely pay someday"

Expressing his desire to be of positive influence to other youths in Africa, he hinted that the ghetto youths ought to be supported and encouraged to make a move out of their current situation. His encouragement can also be felt a lot in his lyrics.

Indeed his lyrics makes some of his fans call him a preacher.  "I like that since I am a pillar of good morals". 

GaisieBoy aspires to take his music to Grammy Awards and even perform there, such platform will create a path for reals like him. 

Below is his much anticipated single Blessed featuring Solo Africa

