Thursday 2 June 2016

Why I Changed From Episode To EpiXode


EPIXODE (72)-2
After a successful “Spar Junkiez” album launch Gbevu Music Group (GMG) managers of reggae dancehall artiste Episode has pulled the second button in their flint with the artiste. As part of rebranding, they’ve changed spelling of the name of the EPISODE to EPIXODE. Quoted below  is the statement  from the Management Team; 

“We wish to announce to the general public the change of name of our brand Episode to EPIXODE , in effect, the replacement of the letter ‘S’ with ‘X’ in the name. This is basically to carve a niche of uniqueness for the name and make it easily accessible to fans and the public, especially via social media and online search engines. This actually can be considered as the first phase of the rebranding process on-going with our artiste. The change is expected to bring out the ‘X- factor’ in him, thus EPIXODE. We hereby wish to indulge the general public to take not of this change. Thank you!” – signed by Edmund Sackey (@GbevuMusicGroup)

