Thursday 12 January 2017

Don't Impress Society With Expensive Weddings - Afia Schwarzenegger


Don't Impress Society With Expensive Weddings - Afia Schwarzenegger
Afia's reply to comments on her instagram page has led her to give certain deep thinking free advice to her fans and followers. The comedian cum presenter took time to throw some light on marriage and how to keep it low profile but classy for you and your spouse.After all spending lavishly on things like, like wedding gown, cars, venues, decor and more just to impress society will only lead you to bankruptcy, if you don't have enough money to do all that just keep it simple.

She touched on the need to also read and have enough knowledge about weddings before seeing your wedding planner by so doing, you will know what you want exactly and not go in for whatever your planner puts on the table for you.

Read the letter below:

After reading about 12 of the same messages...let me reply yall here Marriage is not a competition, neither is it a point proving is a lifetime decision to stick together with someone thru thick and thin I am going to take you thru some easy steps that will make your wedding/marriage ceremony stress free

1.CREATE YOUR THEME. ..except someone give me a manual for wedding I think your wedding is to make you happy not must fit in your budget,the fact that so so and so had this on their wedding doesn't necessarily means you should do the same...people are breaking up relationships because the guy is not ready to spend his hard earn money on nonsense and i say nonsense because who on earth after her wedding goes to a party/funeral/red carpets wearing her wedding gown???

So why spend thousands of dollars/cedis on?? I also want to ask everyone but the Akans....why Kente???Every Ghanaian bride is wearing kente as if it is a wedding uniform,there are a lot of pretty fabrics that are more expensive/classier than kente,

We also have our local prints;very affordable that speaks volume than why is every bride wearing Kente...please think out of the box and wow your man with intelligence..

2. READ WEDDING MAGAZINES... Before meeting a wedding planner you should read and know exactly what you want and what is not necessary...from the day the dude propose till u walk the aisle...please read . research on Google.

The wedding planners have very good taste but please oo have u thought of the future of that marriage??? Paying 15,000 or 10,000 for wedding decor is not a big deal at all...But ask yourself after posting pictures on social media with the usual comments "wow nice,lovely,beautiful couple" what else can u do with the expensive decor???

Let me give u a free lecture on business...that 15000 can buy a hyundai Atos and operate as taxi/Uber...and bring you profits.I am not saying don't do decor or rent venue...but if you are clearing your account to please society then be worried...if you are taking a loan to please society then you are very very stupid...

To be continued..

Good morning Africa

