Wednesday, 29 March 2017

I’m Still Relevant After Lynx Entertainment – Eazzy

I’m Still Relevant After Lynx Entertainment – Eazzy
Names of artistes who were believed to be struggling to make a come-back after leaving Lynx Entertainment were put out in last week’s edition of Flex newspaper.
Included in this list was the Wengeze hit maker, Mildred Ashong better known in showbiz circles as Eazzy. According to the publication, Eazzy is no longer as popular as she used to when she was with Lynx Entertainment but the singer in response to this has stated that, she is still relevant even more than before.

To her, it is wrong for people to judge her relevance per how active she is on social media. “I am still very popular and I can say for a fact that. I am working harder even more than before. I recently won the best female video at the 4syte Music Video’s Awards, I wouldn’t have won that award if I was that slow as some people are claiming” she stated.

She continued by saying: “most people see me not to be popular because they don’t see much of me on social media which shouldn’t be so. I am a musician and I am always concentrating on how to give my fans what they want and as I am talking to you now, I am working on a video which I will be dropping soon and so I will be very surprised if someone should say I am not popular,” the singer cum rapper had stated.

