Sunday 12 March 2017

Majid Michel Gets Frank On The Issue Of Sin

Majid Michel Gets Frank On The Issue Of Sin
Majid Michel who got Ghana talking last year with his new personality as a born again Christian gets candid on the issue of SIN.

He admonished believers to stop making excuses for what is sinful or not.

“A lot of us try to get hung up on the specifics of sin. Am I sinning if I dance? Am I sinning if I smoke? Am I sinning if I dress like this? We are getting off in the wrong direction. We must start off that, basically sin is having your own way. Sin is doing your thing instead of God's thing”

“You can be a perfectly moral individual but still be doing your own thing; running your own life, thinking your own thoughts, mapping your own strategy, setting your own objectives and goals. That is what sin is,” the talented actor said in his Instagram post.

He indicated that many Christians are trying to do what the Messiah Jesus Christ did with their human strength but Jesus does not need anyone to act as though he/she is HIM. All He requires of believers is for them to avail themselves for him to ‘dwell in them and use them”.

Read the full message in post below:

A lot of us try to get hung up on the specifics of sin. Am i sinning if i dance? Am i sinning if i smoke? am i sinning if i dress like this? we are getting off in the wrong direction. We must start off that, basically sin is having your own way. Sin is doing your thing instead of God's thing. You can be a perfectly moral individual but still be doing your own thing. Running your own life, thinking your own thoughts, mapping your own strategy, setting your own objectives and goals. That is what sin is. The tragedy is a lot of us are trying to be "Christian". A lot of us are trying to do Jesus' thing with our own strength. We are trying through our own effort to live the Christian life and it's impossible to live the Christian life. you can't live it. E.g. if i gave you 8 hours practice everyday for the next 10 years to be exactly like the person next to you or your neighbour or your best friend, will you be able to make it? Everyday 8 hours for the next 10 years to be exactly like your best friend. Some of you will say God forbid. Well you can't do it because you are two distinct human beings. There are no two people in the human race who are alike, now if you can't be like each other how in all the world could you ever be like Jesus? How? You can't!!! But you must understand that the goodnews about the gospel is that whilst you cannot be like Jesus, JESUS CAN BE HiMSELF in you. That's what it's all about. And all Jesus is asking for is the right to live through you. Being Christian is basically Christ in you, living His own life through you without any help or assistance from you. What HE needs from you is your Availability. And as you simply say Lord i'm available, i'm sorry for doing my own thing, i'm tired of doing my own thing, i quit!!, and i give to you the right to do your thing in me.!! i give up!! That's when it starts, and then Jesus Christ has the right to begin to live His Life through you. The greatest sin in all the world you can commit is trying to be Christian. Trying to do something in your own strength and energy that only Jesus can pull off. That's why God says walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. #LEADERSHiP
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