Saturday 11 March 2017

Only Fools Commit Suicide - Counselor Lutterodt


Only Fools Commit Suicide - Counselor Lutterodt
With the increasing rate at which young ladies are committing suicide due to heartbreaks, depression, psychological problems, among others, Reverend George Lutterodt says men are not that foolish to commit suicide for love reasons.
The “emotional fixer” as he’s fondly called, in an interview with explained that men have been imbibed with shock absorbers from God, since he gave only them (men) the right to love.

“How many boys have you heard have committed suicide because of relationship? No we are not fools, we are not. Love is a man’s affair; no woman can love because you (women) are emotional.

Men were created from dust so God imbibed in us to love women. So love is suicidal when one’s expectations are not met”, he added.

