Thursday, 11 May 2017

Kofi Adjorlolo Has Not Broken Up With His Longtime Girlfriend Victoria Lebene - Source

Kofi Adjorlolo Has Not broken Up With His Longtime Girlfriend Victoria Lebene - Source
False news going viral has it that, the veteran Ghanaian actor has called off the wedding/relationship between himself and Victoria. Showcase Ghana can confirm that Kofi Adjorlolo has not broken up with his longtime girlfriend Victoria Lebene.
In an interview with Jibriel of Showcase Ghana, Victoria Lebene confirmed that, Adjorlolo hasn’t deleted any of her pictures from his Instagram page and rather has updated it with her new photos for the past 24hrs.

The false news according to an online journal was first broken by Abeiku Santa of Okay Fm with a team of panelist at the show expressing anger towards Adjorolor for wasting the young lady’s time saying he needs to apologize to her.

In reaction to that, Actress Victoria said that particular period was not part of the show and it was just some kinda fun normally been done every time the panalist meet.

“Don’t mind them, they are just saying what they don’t know” she said

When asked whether the news about the separation was true or not, she declined the rumor.

“It’s a lie, people just talk and like to carry news. Just a little dram and they love to carry the news and twist it. Kofi and I speak often ”

Victoria lastly said some bloggers and journalist should get their news factual before putting it out there.

@thatghanaian_dive is currently in a new movie which is still in it’s production stage and will be out soon.

Credit:- Showcase Ghana

