Saturday, 27 May 2017

Vicky Zugah Practiced Prostitution – Counsellor Lutterodt

Vicky Zugah Practiced Prostitution – Counsellor Lutterodt
Actress, Vicky Zugah’s decision to date several men resulting in the conception of two children out of wedlock is nothing but an act of prostitution, Counsellor George Lutterodt has stated.

Vicky Zugah has been making headlines after opening up on her experience with abusive boyfriends. According to her, for the past four years, all three men she had dated abused her physically on countless occasions, bruising her face in the process.

She however did not lodge a complaint about it to the Police because family and friends succeeded in influencing her against it. The actress’ inability to endure the pain any longer made her go public with her experience and subsequently she launched a campaign against domestic violence.

Controversial and outspoken Counsellor Lutterodt who did not glorify domestic abuse condemned her adding that it was out of place for the actress to sleep with people she was not married to.

“If Vicky Zugah, as beautiful as she is, could go into dating which leads to sexual intercourse that is not dating. She has gone beyond dating and practicing sexual intercourse while she is not married. Then she is practicing prostitution. If a man who has not paid your bride price impregnates you, we say he has made a fool out of you,” he said.

Counsellor Lutterodt further intimated that Vicky Zugah erred by allowing friends and family to influence her against reporting the abusive instances. He therefore asked the actress to “shut up”.

Meanwhile, Vicky Zugah has said nothing or nobody can stop her from speaking about her domestic violence experiences, adding that she would embark on a nationwide campaign against domestic violence.


