A 31-year old woman was admitted to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center yesterday after the 14-month old toddler she was babysitting got stuck in her vaginal cavity.
Latifah Brown called 911 around 9:30 PM last night, reporting that she had a baby stuck in her vagina.
The operator first assumed that she was giving birth at home and dispatched an ambulance to the site.
The paramedics had quite a surprise when they arrived on the site and saw what was actually happening.
One of the paramedics, Brian Whitmore, related the incident in an interview with WBNS-10 TV.
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Latifah Brown called 911 around 9:30 PM last night, reporting that she had a baby stuck in her vagina.
The operator first assumed that she was giving birth at home and dispatched an ambulance to the site.
The paramedics had quite a surprise when they arrived on the site and saw what was actually happening.
One of the paramedics, Brian Whitmore, related the incident in an interview with WBNS-10 TV.
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