Thursday 8 June 2017

I Won’t Marry Again - Joyce Dzidzor

I Won’t Marry Again - Joyce Dzidzor
They say the third time is a charm but this seems to have eluded former HIV/AIDS ambassador, Joyce Dzidzor who lost her third husband, Edmund Akaniru to death last month and has vowed to have nothing with marriage again.
The controversial HIV/AIDS advocate is currently cooling off in Germany after being accused of being the cause of the death of Akaniru by infecting him with the deadly HIV virus.

In a telephone conversation, Joyce told Showbiz she has given up on marriage having lost three men within ten years.

“That is it for me. I will have nothing to do with marriage having lost two husbands to death and one to greener pastures in UK. “I have given up on marriage or anything of that sort and it’s not part of my plans. Marriage or relationship is not everything and can’t be everything. I just want to be there for my children and take care of them.

“I don’t intend to consider marriage ever again. I am here with my son, my two other children are with my family, schooling and doing well back in Ghana. I just want to keep it that way.

“Currently, I’m putting myself together to start life on a fresh note. I want to get rid of any baggage and come back to Ghana bigger and better, take care of my children and give them the best in life,” she noted.

The strange circumstances surrounding the death of Edmund Akaniru, his burial 24 hours later and the absence of Joyce at his funeral has not helped the cause of the former HIV/AIDS advocate whose life has been dogged by one controversy after the another in recent times.

Touching on the death of her third husband, an emotional Joyce vehemently denied she had a hand in his mysterious death last month and insists she did not infect him with the deadly virus as has been rumoured.

“My husband gave up the ghost in Nigeria after a long battle with a strange ailment. I heard stories and read lots of news, even on my social media pages, with people calling me names and accusing me of killing my husband. But I did not infect my late husband with HIV/AIDs. I did not kill him.

“Just as his family said, Edmund did not die of HIV/AIDS and that is it, Ghanaians should leave me alone”, she told Showbiz.

Joyce explained that she took him to a different hospital for medical care after medical treatment at the Kaneshie Polyclinic but that did not work with doctors unable to diagnose his ailment since all the tests conducted showed he was medically OK. However, she indicated that it was discovered he was short of blood.

“His family later took him to Nigeria and since his mother was a doctor, I hoped it would be much better. But unfortunately nothing was diagnosed in Nigeria apart from the old story of him having no blood in his body.

“I kept checking on him and he was later taken to a prayer camp where he told me his aunt was behind his strange sickness,” she continued.

“I received a call that Eddie had passed on May 7, 2017 and was buried on May 8, 2017,” she added.

Joyce explained further that she could not accompany Akaniru to his native Nigeria and did not see him until he heard of his demise because her late husband absconded with his sister to Nigeria without a word.

“Eddie later called to tell me not come over to Nigeria because if I did, my son will be killed. I believed him and trusted him because I thought he wanted the best for me,” explained Joyce, 30, who said life had never been the same since the death of her 24-year-old husband.

Despite the circumstances surrounding her husband’s death, Joyce maintains she still has a cordial relationship with his in-laws.

“Let me put it on record that I have no problem with his family; they have been supportive and they call me from time to time to check up on us.”

