Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Jah Lead - Bad She Bad (Lyrics)

Jah Lead - Bad She Bad (Lyrics)
Jah Lead Me (Uuupnessss)
Now me sing fi de gal dem..
How come say u live like that? (Not good)
She bruk out de age of 7 and she born pikni by 11

1st verse
Wagye ne din w) krom, )ntw3n 3kyena
Gye me Di nea )y3 )y3 ; Bafira.
Tumu da , Taa baa ta
De wine she a wine she be killer 
Wagya ne ba 3months ato fie na  )ne b33ma, Turquila 3ne vodka na )Mixi.
)y3 chap star , waa wo wh3 ne bibia )y3 hyper 
Gyimidi )ne wob3y3 no under,
Baby gal kuta no w) high star
S3 wa hwe ne mini na )de gye cedi
Me laba ne me libi kasa no nk)si whee,
Hwe ne mini na afii  )gye cedi; me labalaba ne me libilibi no nk)si whee
Eii girl really bruk out ,
And she tell me fi de money she nuh lock off

)se Regina, hy3 wo designer
Y3mpie nfa krom;  yo Di time aaah
This is Ghana you don't wait for Manna ; Use what u got to find what u don't have 
Money she say ; nah no time fi no pikni
Tell u de truth ano me say 
Sir , she nuh inna that 
Talk about luv and she tan up and gone 

2nd verse...
Mmm hmm hmm
Kofi nim no
Yaw so nim no
S3 wo nim de3aa wh3 no na wo be hunu 
Frakadam ash3 no mma ama outta Ghana ryt on to Mobay.
Gyimidi s3 wo ne no shia first time a wongyindi s3 )y3 born 1... sweet package 
Gyimidi everything for sale
Time she nuh have fi wait ( drop de cake )Yeh
Ti bi Di bi daba daba daa di Di da
Whan na onya nka )mp3 no )kyena 
S3 )nya wo kunu ne no twe mpena ;
Gyimidi s3 )wine no s3 alikoto.. wine no h3
Baby gye me di , )Wine no deep
)wine no ma no y3 too loose
Ne ho cedi nyinaa asah eeei.
)y3 baaaaad girl

)se Regina hy3 wo designer;
Y3mpie mfa krom, yoo di time aah 
This is Ghana you don't wait for Manna 
Use what you got to find what u don't have 
Money she say ; nah no time fi no pikini 
Tell u de truth ano me say
Sir , she not inna that
Talk about luv and she tan up and gone .

Outtro. ...
Whe ne tight legens Fri s3 wate s3 mpanin no p3
)de na de3 bi yi k3ky3
Dee gye nea )gye
)y3 ne biribi 
)y3 nea )y3
Gya ne ba 3yrs ato fie na )nam krom paapi.
Jah Lead me sing seh. 
Jah Lead Me.

