Friday 9 June 2017

Let’s Walk In God Driven Purpose - Trigmatic

Let’s Walk In God Driven Purpose - Trigmatic
Musician cum radio icon Trigmatic has urged fans to walk in God driven purpose instead of society driven purpose.
According to the music star, one should never strife to be accepted by society but rather crave for wisdom from God.

“Don’t strife to be accepted, do you and they will have no choice than to accept you. Even when they don’t, feel accepted. You either walk in your God driven purpose or society driven purpose”

“Don’t be pressured by what people want to see. Ask yourself these questions; what do I want to see? What are my capabilities? Who does God say I am? Crave for wisdom and invest in yourself. All this will lead you to God” he said

The music personality shared the post on his Instagram account.

