Monday 12 June 2017

Sarkodie’s Krobo Lyrics Not Good For National Unity – Teye Nyaunu

Sarkodie’s Krobo Lyrics Not Good For National Unity – Teye Nyaunu
Former Member of Parliament for Lower Manya Constituency Michael Teye Nyaunu has expressed strong reservations about ‘Jennifer Lomotey’, a song by Kurl Songx featuring Sarkodie.
According to Michael Teye Nyaunu, Sarkodie’s part on Krobos is not just derogatory but capable of inflaming passions that can result in tribal conflict.

“His conscience should speak to him and ask himself if he could say the same things about his mother or the tribe he is from.

Sarkodie should know that such remarks are not good for national cohesion and can cause tribal conflict at any time.”

Sarkodie had made reference to a legend suggesting Krobo women are good in bed as a result of a curse invoked on them by Komfo Anokye.

The former Lower Manya legislator has denied existence of any historical account that involved Komfo Anokye cursing the women from Krobo land, saying Krobo women are decent and do not engage in what he (Sarkodie) was trying to insinuate in the said song.

He also cautioned that it is time people stop repeating fixated innuendos that have no basis against the Krobos because “we can no longer let such derogations go unanswered”.

Michael Teye Nyaunu popularly referred to as ‘MTN’ told the host of ‘Yen Nsem Pa’, Bright Kwesi Asempa, that Krobo women are not just beautiful and hardworking but are warriors and it is heartbreaking to hear Sarkodie describing them as prostitutes.

“I am told he is a rapper and can he tell us there are no prostitutes in his family. Is he a saint himself and I must tell him that a typical Krobo woman is a queen and such comments will not be taken lightly any longer.”

When Onua FM contacted the publicist of HSM record label, the company that signed Kurl Songx, Arnold Asamoah, he explained that the particular section of the song was not done deliberately to spite the Krobos but could not confirm if the musician or the record label will render an apology to the Krobos in general.

But the publicist’s response has rather infuriated Michael Teye Nyaunu. The former MP for Lower Manya Constituency fumed that “if they say he (Sarkodie) is a renowned rapper and therefore they will not apologize, so be it.”

“He should do same songs about his mother. Tribal war is destroying Africa and the least he can think of is to fan a tribal conflict with unsubstantiated comments. So can he say such things about his mother and family?”

