Monday, 31 July 2017

Counselor Lutterodt Defends Owusu Bempah

Counselor Lutterodt
Controversial counselor, George Lutterodt has supported Prophet Owusu Bempah against leader of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Dr. Mensah Otabil describing Christians who give huge sums of money as offering to prophets just in the name of receiving breakthroughs as ‘fools’.

The ICGC church leader, Dr Mensah Otabil, preached to Christians especially the ‘Born Again’ members to desist from giving monies willingly to prophets who are deceivers.

“Foolish born-again Christians who are believers and not thinkers; you [prophets] lie to them and they believe it. They are the easiest people to be deceived… their spirit work but brain freezes; intelligence isn’t there.

“Some of you here still run after a prophet and give all your monies to him, the next day you do the same. He is deceiving you and you are willingly participating. The foolish men don’t consider consequence, he doesn’t analyze…” he stressed.

Founder and leader of Glorious Word Power Ministry International Rev. Owusu Bempah accused the ICGC leader of describing Christians as ‘fools’.

According to him, it would be wise for Pastor Mensa Otabil to do the honourable thing by rendering an apology to prophets he had insulted.

But speaking in an interview on Monday, the controversial counselor, Mr. Lutterodt described the statement by Dr Otabil as ‘unfair’.

He explained that, there are members [Believers] who float among churches in the country as such there is no way Dr. Otabil can proclaim such statements against prophets in the country.

The ICGC leader earlier described taking monies from congregants as a sign not from God hence he can’t fathom why he would hold a ‘Greater Works’ program and take money from his members.

“What Pastor Otabil said is not right. The point he made didn’t go well. There are people from Presby and other churches who also go to his church. The believers are one. But his statement is deeming it different. The statement he made doesn’t prove the believers are one…” he maintained on Okay FM.

“He [Dr Otabil] earlier said something like taking out money doesn’t come from God. He has broken the protocol to take money from Independence Avenue, a big public place like that. No man of God has ever done this. We usually take the money at Sunday services…” Mr Lutterodt added.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lutterodt noted that, he would never buy the idea that founder of Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC) Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo requested the money pledges hence Dr Otabil should not defend himself.

“I don’t buy the fact that it doesn’t come from Otabil. Under no circumstance will Donald Trump leave America to declare holiday in Ghana… Never! It can never happen! He has his anointing but his anointing in Ghana doing greater works is subjected to Dr Mensah Otabil, no matter who he [Ashimolowo] is…”

“He is the gen overseer the big man, his anointment is bigger than all of them. God has given the direction but the money will be given to Otabil…”

Nevertheless, Counselor Lutterodt advised respective believers to hold on to their faith in accordance to the ministry they believe will save their souls.

The leader of ICGC, he warned should desist from saying what he doesn’t understand.

“It is not what we have done. He [Dr Otabil] should not say what he doesn’t understand. If anyone will go to Owusu Bempah’s church or any other please do. Go and look for the key to your destiny to chance your lifestyle because poverty is painful…” he advised.

