Saturday, 15 July 2017

Don't Stop Proclaiming The ‘Good News’ – KOD Urges Majid Michelle

Majid Michelle
Broadcaster and radio presenter, Kofi Okyere Darko (KOD), is urging Actor turned pastor, Majid Michelle to turn a deaf ear to public criticisms and continue doing the work of God.

According to the fashion designer and owner of Nineteen57 shop, “Pastor” Majid Michelle has chosen the right path and must not be forced to give up.

In a caption of a photo of Majid Michelle on KOD’s Instagram page, he said people who are against the actor for his new love for God’s work will soon find reasons to believe that it is God who has called him.

“One day people will understand why God even put him out to do all he's done over the years... Papa, you're in a great place! Don't stop proclaiming the Good News,” he wrote.

Born-again Christian, Majid Michelle has recently become a topic of interest due to his many activities featuring various Churches and Christian groups.

He does not only preach and deliver people in churches but also uses his Instagram page to spread the gospel to his followers.

Many who do not believe in Majid’s preaching have criticized him.

