Monday, 3 July 2017

Snoop Dogg Says He Got A Pirated Copy Of Jay-Z’s “4:44”

Snoop Dogg Says He Got A Pirated Copy Of Jay-Z’s “4:44”
Those with a Tidal subscription were conceivably also without a chance to listen to Jay-Z’s new album 4:44. However, this small obstacle didn’t stop Snoop Dogg from listening.

In a new video, the Doggfather admitted that an acquaintance had to “bootleg” him a copy, seeing as he’s without membership access to Jay’s streaming service.

Overall, Snoop called the release a “hot album” and seemed to be impressed with the work from his fellow elder statesman.

I mean, you would think that Snoop could’ve easily ponied up the cash to join Tidal as well, but he seemed confused about exactly how the technology works.

“I’m on iTunes and [y’all] gotta explain that to me. I went to iTunes looking for his album, and I couldn’t find it, but my homie sent it to me.

” I’m sure he’s not the only one who feels this way. For what it’s worth, Jay-Z will be making the album available elsewhere this week.

