Tuesday, 1 August 2017

R. Kelly Gives Steamy Performance Despite On-Going Sex Cult Scandal

R. Kelly Gives Steamy Performance Despite On-Going Sex Cult Scandal
R. Kelly certainly isn’t afraid of making his live shows steamy affairs, even amid his on-going sex cult scandal.

According to Billboard, Kelly began his latest set of tour dates on Friday night in Virginia and didn’t dial back the sexual nature of his performance at all. At one point, he grabbed a female fan’s phone and, after singing into it, rubbed the device on his crotch area before returning it to its owner.

Later on, he encouraged female fans to wipe his lips, chest and other areas in a seductive nature while performing one of his classic hits from the 90’s.

Say what you want about the man’s personal life, but he clearly still knows how to cater his shows to his fan base.

