Thursday 18 June 2015

I’m Hard, Not Evil – Delay


Delores Frimpong Manso, a popular entertainer and rising entrepreneur, has said she has no apology or regrets over her style of questions on the ‘Delay Talk Show’, though it has ruffled feathers and earned her some public condemnation.

The celebrated radio and television presenter has also described as false, suggestions that she deliberately engages her guests in sensational discussions that would generate controversy.

“Many people hide behind social media to insult me and call me an evil person because of my style. I even suspect some of those insults are stage-managed by people using different pseudonyms. These are people who can’t stand my style, people who can’t see a woman host her own show for seven years and continue to remain in top rating, people who want to see me fall, people who know I am not evil as they want to paint me publicly. But perhaps because I am too hard for them to confront me in person, they hide behind social media to attack me. That’s cowardice,”   Delores aka Delay told NEWS-ONE.

She said the Delay Talk Show is not a platform for pampering people and hiding the truth and that she has to “ask the hard questions to get the uncensored truth out.”

“I remember when Wanlov Kubolor appeared on the show and I asked him whether it was true he does not wear underwear, most of the people who insulted me and called me evil did not watch the show but only heard Kubolor had showed his sex organ on my show. It never happened. We did the professional thing of censoring that part before it was aired but the insults came at me for asking the question. I did not point a gun at the head of the male adult to show whatever he showed; why should I be the one who gets called evil for asking such a question?

“Recently, Akua Donkor was on the show and it was a tough interview which got her to speak from her heart. When she said things that were clearly not true, I pointed it out and this irritated her. It was a good show which I was expecting to be congratulated for but all I got were insults and the usual ‘evil’ tag,” Delay explained.

The popular radio and television presenter opined that it was a combination of “ignorance and hate” which made some insult her after each episode of the show which airs on Viasat-1 Friday evenings.

“I think radio and television presenters should be bold enough to ask all the tough and hard questions without fear or favour once it is done with respect and within the confines of the law.

“We are not dumb people just going on radio or TV to ask questions. Most of the time the questions are well researched by your production team and we know what answers you are likely to give.  It would be silly for you to host a show and ask someone a question and the person gives you a false answer and you fail to point it out to the person that the facts and reality on the ground differ,” Delay concluded.

