Thursday 9 July 2015

Female Banker Opens Up on how Hard it is to Find A Real Man



Just as it is difficult for a man who is comfortable to find a woman who will love him sincerely, it's in most cases even more difficult for a comfortable single lady to meet a man with genuine love for her.

A 29-year-old female female banker, after reading a rich guy's complain about his frustration in the quest of finding true love from a beautiful Naija lady, has decided to share her own experience:

Many girls assume that you are a player – Drive a nice car, dress well, live comfortable, etc.
The lady's response: This is unfortunate but its because most good girls are afraid they will get hurt. i love a man that takes care of himself and pays attention to details but Hollywood and social media has shown that once a guy looks good and drives nice cars, he a player. However I have hope that I will meet the strong, kind, ambitious and gentle man.

Many girls think you already have a girlfriend or wife once you are comfortable.
The lady's response: This occurs because you meet a lot of fake ladies. They believe that since you are rich, you can only date or marry a rich lady and so you have come for just a fling.

Some girls are just interested in your money – Yes, many rich guys can testify to this. 
The lady's response: All I can say is, you have been meeting the wrong kind of women. It’s unfortunate but know that there are great ladies out there who want someone to love and care about. Women who can take care of themselves and all they desire is someone to share their heart with and support each other.

You spend more for your girlfriends, yet they are not satisfied all because you have money.
The lady's response: This still boils down to the fact that you meet and date selfish ladies who want your money and love you for that only. Please note that Love is not self – seeking it is reciprocal, both parties much care for one another and it is the little things that matter.

Fine girls tend to play more ‘hard-to-get’ with the rich guys than the broke ones – YES!
Girls who her a bit fine pretend to be decent, domesticated. They may sometimes hide their promiscuous and cheap lifestyle because they assume that they have finally met the serious-minded rich guy. So, they want to appear like a good girl. Meanwhile, you find out that these same girls keep rolling carelessly and freely with the not-so-rich guys in their neighborhood.
The lady's response: As for this one, I do not have a response. All I know is there are serious ladies who are self-confidence and do not need to front, they speak their mind and have no reason to pretend.

You become paranoid. You find it hard to know who really loves you. 
The lady's response: I agree with you comfortable bachelor on this, because even as a lady I have become paranoid about guys because I believe all they see is the physical and because they feel I am ambitious, they see me as a cash cow to milk.

You may actually meet fewer good girls, you meet mostly bad and extroverted girls.
The lady's response: I totally agree with you comfortable bachelor, I have been looking out for good guys but haven’t met any. I spend my weekends at home, sleeping or watching TV. I decided to start an MBA to keep myself occupied and am planning on doing other courses. It is crazy, churches are filled with pretentious human beings. An advice I hear always is to change my routine, change my church if I have to, change the place I hang out and meet new people. This is hard to do but you can give it a try also.

You spend more than others to get a girl other broke guys would easily get with little cash.
The lady's response: This is because you chose to, you always want to impress the lady, even though it is good to have class and taste but you overdo it thus she starts to demand and then you start to complain. Keep it cool, do the little things like appreciate her, praise her, thank her, listen to her, gist with her. These are the things that make a real decent lady happy.

Your true personality is often buried beneath your financial strength.
The lady's response: Comfortable bachelor, you do not have to take this kind of things to heart. Do not lower your standards for anyone, be your good self as long as money doesn’t define your behavior then forget what people say as in life, gossip is what keeps everyone going. Be the wonderful person I hope you are and someday when you are not even looking for, the lady will come along.

From the lady...
I will leave you, Comfortable Bachelor with this text:  Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres (1 Corinthians 13: 4-7).

