Kpakpakpa’, Pooley Swag, Alkayida, you name
it are few of trending words on the streets that musician Guru has used
to compose songs with.
Many kept wondering why Guru is always
interested in using words on the streets to compose songs but guess
what, he has disclosed that he likes to use trending words on the
streets to compose songs because music lovers can easily relate to those
street words.
When asked by Bridget Otoo on TV3 why he’s
always interested in using words on the streets to compose his songs,
the Lapaz Toyota hitmaker said, “
‘Yes, I like to use those catchy words on
the streets in my songs because people can easily relate to them thereby
making the song to be accepted within a short time.”
Guru has also disclosed that his
memorable performance was when he thrilled thousands at Gabon. According
to him, he loves how the crowd accepted his songs and jammed to them to
the fullest.
On his memorable performance, he said,
“That would be when I went to Gabon. Herh, you should have seen how the
crowd reacted to my songs. They were singing the songs
back-to-back-to-back; I was even surprised myself”. He disclosed.
The Meba b3tia wo singer is set to embark on a Peace tour towards the November general elections.