Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Becca Puts Heavy Curves On Display In New Photos


Becca Puts Heavy Curves On Display In New Photos
The new cool in town among many Ghanaian ladies is the rapid transitions from permed her to natural hair one one celebrity who has inspired many women to go for the big chop is Becca.
The singer has managed to maintain her natural hair in the most fashionable way to the delight of her fans.

She recently posted a series of new photos where her natural hair's prominence was just hard to miss.
Many Afrocentric women are urging more African women to embrace their natural looks although they might be under pressure to resort to easier and more glamorous options.

Many Ghanaian celebrities have in recent years gone back to the roots by shaving off their permed hair and growing their kinky hair afresh.

Becca Puts Heavy Curves On Display In New Photos

Becca Puts Heavy Curves On Display In New Photos

