Monday 27 February 2017

Fatau Keita Condemns Women Molestation


Fatau Keita Condemns Women Molestation
Ghanaian sensational Singer Fatau Keita has added his voice to the recent beating and raping of two women in Ghana.
In a recent interview with Amanda on E – talk on Ghone TV he said “I cried when I watched the video of a woman being molested by the mob.

In a separate telephone conversation with he said initially when I saw the video I couldn’t believe human beings could behave like this then I heard them speaking the local dialect “Twi” and realized it was
from my own country.

This is not Ghanaian and must be condemned completely. I heard it
happened in Adum Kumasi and I believe the King must speak on this issue.

In Tamale also a twelve year old girl was raped and strangled to death, this is barbaric and I think we are losing our sense of sympathy, empathy and patriotism as Ghanaians.

I hear the police is undertaking some investigations and am hoping they will prosecute the offenders so it will serve as a deterrent to other culprits

We all have responsibilities, as men, as women, as musicians, as
politicians, as Pastors, as Chiefs and in so doing we will build a
strong and vibrant nation.

