Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Childlessness Not A Woman’s Problem - Counselor Urges Husbands To Share Burden

Many women have bought into society’s perception that childlessness in their marriages is a feminine problem,a marriage counselor Rev. Asante Agyei has lamented.

The counselor said on the Super Morning Show on Joy FM Tuesday men are failing to share the burden of childlessness.

However, he said “It is a challenge for the couple” and men are to lend supports to their wives regardless of whoever is the cause of the problem.

Infertility affects an estimated 15% of couples globally, amounting to 48.5 million couples and males are found to be responsible for 20-30% of infertility cases.

Cultural sterotypes has often been cruel to women struggling to give birth. When a woman is unable to provide children, it is not uncommon for find external family members from the husband's side moving to break up the marriage.

Research has shown that men can also be at fault when the couple has not been able to procreate after marriage.

Tracing the underpinnings of this sterotype, the pastor said girls are particularly socialised to expect to give birth in marriages.
As we see in our society where girls are given dolls as substitute for babies. They cuddle the dolls, have tea parties and have much fun with them, he explained.

The boys on the other hand are left to play football and take it for granted that the women will provide children.

Expectations are therefore at its peak when a couple gets married. A few years after marriage and babies are not coming, everything goes down slide.
He continued to state that the problem of being childless is not a one person affair and couples must learn to support each other.

Also he said the couple must come to a realization that they are in the marriage together and they want the children together.

“The two must come together and understand that they are faced with the challenge of childlessness. They must face it and succumb it together” he added.

Although it is expected that marriages produce babies, it is not the reality for everyone.

