Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Sex Is Good For The Heart Only If You Are A Man - Says Scientists

Sex Is Good For The Heart Only If You Are A Man - Says Scientists
Some good news and some bad news from the world of sex research today.

First, the good news: having sexual intercourse several times a week helps to prevent life-threatening heart disease. Research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, found that regular rolls in the hay help to prevent a build-up of the chemical homocysteine, which is linked to potentially deadly blood clots.

And the bad news? It only works for men. Researchers from the National Defence Medical Centre in Taiwan tracked more than 2,000 men and women, aged from 20 to 59. While the men who had sex at least twice a week had lower levels of homocysteine in their bloodstream compared to men who had sex less frequently, there was no significant variation detected in women.

The research promises to make the 'I've got a headache' line even more loaded in the future.

However, it's not all give and no take for women – plenty of pre-existing research suggests that having more sex has surprising health benefits for both sexes.

Here are eight reasons why you can go home this evening and tell your other half that you should both get frisky, for the good of your own bodies.

1. It could help you sleep better

We're all trying to get more of it – and now it turns out sex could be the answer. Yes, according to an expert in the field, getting busy between the sheets should help you sleep more soundly.

Dr Michele Lastella, a sleep researcher at Appleton Institute for Behavioural Science at Central Queensland University in Australia, spends his time looking into the way the body recovers. He told Australian news site SBS that his investigations into the link between sleep and sex show that the latter can help improve the former: “From our preliminary data it appears that over 60 per cent of people indicate that their sleep improves after sex that is with a partner and involves an orgasm.”

Find Out More Here.....Telegraph>>>>>>>>>>>

