Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Feature Sarkodie To Get Recognition – Nana Aba Anamoah

Feature Sarkodie To Get Recognition – Nana Aba Anamoah
Truth be told, most of Sarkodie featured songs have been an instant hit with so many records at hand as proof.

Deductively, this tells us why most up and coming artistes go through the mile to get funds in order to feature grade “A artist” like Sarkodie.

According to the GH One television diva, Nana Aba Anamoah, she believes any up and coming artiste who desire to blow up must feature rapper Sarkodie in order to get the needed recognition.

She goes on to cite the controversial song “Jennifer Lomotey” by Kurl Songx to support her claim.

See this tweet from the TV anchor:

Want to go higher? Feature @sarkodie #JenniferLomotey #Sarkalldayallnight #Highest #notimefortrashtalk pic.twitter.com/8swJIaV4u5

— nana aba (@thenanaaba) June 27, 2017

