Lawyer Maurice Ampaw has stated that
mentally deranged people watch pornographic movies. According to him,
right thinking members of society do not watch pornographic movies and
‘In every situation, you will have people who will support useless stuff. The right thinking Ghanaians, well cultured abhors pornographic materials, that is why traditionally one cannot talk about sex. Morally, Christians also abhors pornographic materials, as for Muslims, they will throw stones at you for watching pornographic movies. Owners and viewers of Television stations which air pornographic movies are sick in the head. Quote me anywhere, anybody who watches pornographic movie or materials is not a right thinking member of society. Its madness, they are mentally deranged so their rights cannot override the right thinking members of society’s rights,’ he fumed.
He said only crazy people will support the viewing of pornographic movies on national televisions asking why the television stations would burden parents with monitoring.
Lawyer Ampaw questioned the number of prominent people in Ghanaian society who will allow their kids to watch pornographic movies in their homes.
James Berko and Tommy Annan Forson have petitioned the Ministry of Information, Chief Justice, National Media Commission (NMC) and other agencies over pornographic movies aired by owners of Ice TV, TV XYZ and Thunder TV.
Speaking on Abusua Entertainment with Austine Wood, he said children are not only addicted to sex when they watch pornographic movies but the tendency to be rapists is very high destroying their future.
‘How many adults are able to control their libidos when they watch pornographic movies,’ he asked.
He called on Ghanaians to protect the good morals of the country saying sex is very powerful than alcohol.
‘In every situation, you will have people who will support useless stuff. The right thinking Ghanaians, well cultured abhors pornographic materials, that is why traditionally one cannot talk about sex. Morally, Christians also abhors pornographic materials, as for Muslims, they will throw stones at you for watching pornographic movies. Owners and viewers of Television stations which air pornographic movies are sick in the head. Quote me anywhere, anybody who watches pornographic movie or materials is not a right thinking member of society. Its madness, they are mentally deranged so their rights cannot override the right thinking members of society’s rights,’ he fumed.
He said only crazy people will support the viewing of pornographic movies on national televisions asking why the television stations would burden parents with monitoring.
Lawyer Ampaw questioned the number of prominent people in Ghanaian society who will allow their kids to watch pornographic movies in their homes.
James Berko and Tommy Annan Forson have petitioned the Ministry of Information, Chief Justice, National Media Commission (NMC) and other agencies over pornographic movies aired by owners of Ice TV, TV XYZ and Thunder TV.
Speaking on Abusua Entertainment with Austine Wood, he said children are not only addicted to sex when they watch pornographic movies but the tendency to be rapists is very high destroying their future.
‘How many adults are able to control their libidos when they watch pornographic movies,’ he asked.
He called on Ghanaians to protect the good morals of the country saying sex is very powerful than alcohol.