Friday 17 February 2017

Is Victoria Lebene Mekpah Using Kofi Adjorlolo To Get Attention For Her Career?


Is Victoria Lebene Mekpah Using Kofi Adjorlolo Get Attention For Her Career?
For some time now the attention of most movie lovers and industry players have been focused keenly on the supposed relationship  between two of the finest talents, Kofi Adjorlolo and his hottie fiancé Victoria Lebene Mekpah.
Many have questioned the compatibility and romantic bond between the two, with age the difference dominating and leading major discussions on social media and beyond.

Lebene has come out on several occasions to defend and pledge her undying love, respect and support for her man. However, the controversies stirred up by their relationship shows no sign of going away. The age gap is proving too much for the public to cross.

'Do they smell something fishy perhaps'?

There is a general belief that the young, charming and beautiful screen diva might be using the relationship to grab attention for her career since Kofi Adjorlolo hasn't come out to make things official.

'Hmmmmmm'. 'Would she do a thing like that'?

Victoria Lebene Mekpah told Joy news in an exclusive interview that; “They are still preparing. They have little hitch here and there and that’s what they are trying to sort out before they boldly come out to say yaay, finally they are having something”.

'Whatever that means'!

Whatever be the case, we want to see a successful and beautiful wedding soon.

